Charged with Drink Driving?

Our Specialist Road Traffic Lawyer is available 24/7 on 0141 465 3333


If you’ve been charged with Drink Driving, whether you’re guilty or not, you need advice and representation from our road traffic expert, click save my licence


Drink Driving Lawyer

Since the introduction of the lower drink driving limits in Scotland on 5th December 2014 there has been a decrease in the number of offences reported to the Crown & Procurator Fiscal Service. However, the fact remains that the chances of you making an error of judgement with regards to your ability to drive after an evening’s drinking or after a drink with a meal has increased dramatically.

We understand that if you are prosecuted for drink driving that you face losing not only your driving licence but your career, your car and your reputation. Whether you are guilty or not we have the experience and expertise in road traffic law to ensure you don’t lose everything!

Drink driving is covered under Section 5(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 which states that it is an offence if a person drives or attempts to drive a motor vehicle on a road or other public place after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath, blood or urine exceeds the prescribed limit.

Drink Driving Limits

The prescribed alcohol limits are:-

  • Breath specimens- 22ug in 100 ml of breath
  • Blood specimens- 50mg in 100ml of blood
  • Urine specimens- 67mg of alcohol in 100ml of urine

If you have a legitimate defence to a drink driving charge we will ensure that you case is fully and comprehensively investigated. As well as ensuring that the intoximeter machine was properly calibrated, checking it’s maintenance logs and ensuring the correct procedure was followed by the police we will give you access to Scotland’s best toxicologists from The University of Glasgow and those in private practice. This meticulous preparation of your defence together with our expertise in road traffic law will ensure you have the strongest defence available to you.

Penalties of Drink Driving

The penalties available to the courts are severe and include:

  • A mandatory disqualification of at least 12 months. A 3 year minimum disqualification if convicted of more than one alcohol related driving offence within ten years.
  • Seizure and forfeiture of your motor vehicle.
  • Up to 6 months imprisonment.

With such severe penalties available and so much at stake it is essential you are represented by a specialist road traffic solicitor.

100% of our clients avoid having their vehicles being forfeited and our knowledge and experience of the courts and our ability to provide a bespoke and comprehensive plea in mitigation allows us to ensure that the disqualification is kept to an absolute minimum.

We regularly have the disqualification period reduced further by persuading the courts to allow our clients to sit the Drink Driving Rehabilitation Scheme.

Our Mr Sheridan’s expertise and reputation in relation to drink driving offences is such that in the summer of 2014 he was invited by the University of Indiana and the University of Glasgow to be a guest speaker at the Robert F.Borenstein course on drink and drug driving.

So don’t waste any more time, get the expert road traffic lawyer who gets results, contact us now on 0141 465 3333.










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